Senin, 23 Maret 2015

7 Exercise For Better Sex Performance

Exercising is good for the body and mind, we are all aware of that. But did you know exercise has great potential to improve your sex life? Exercise your way to better sex – you’ll be shocked at how much your sex life improves with these simple exercises

Here are 7 Exercise For Better Sex Performance :

Aerobics can boost your libido
  • While general fitness is important for improving your sexual desire, research shows that a short burst of aerobic activity has an immediate effect on sexual arousal. In a 2007 study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas, women who ran on a treadmill for 20 minutes showed increased signs of sexual arousal when shown an erotic film than women who did not exercise at all. “We don’t know if people who run every day have a better sexual response,” says Brotto. “The leading theory in [this research] is that acute exercise boosts the sympathetic nervous system and that is part of the sexual response.”
  • If you’re planning a big night in, try going for a light 20-minute jog to help rev up your libido.
  •  Harvard researchers found that male and female swimmers in their 60s had sex lives similar to people 20 years younger. Swimming builds endurance, boosts blood flow, improves flexibility and strength, and slashes stress. It also burns some serious calories, a plus for anyone who's overweight (extra pounds lower libido), especially obese men with erectile dysfunction.
  • Somewhere between work pressure, family responsibilities and personal goals, stress levels have overtaken our lives completely. If you’re stressed, the last thing you want is sex. Doing cardio-based activities will pump you with endorphins and improve your mood. In turn this will make you want it more and will give your sex drive a boost.
  • To help hold yourself in a "favorable position" without your back or legs giving out, Neporent recommends the hinge. Lean back at a 45-degree angle for a few seconds before returning upright, and repeat. The move is subtle but creates a lot of staying power
  • Developed to treat urinary incontinence, these strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and that means explosive orgasms. Women may be more familiar with Kegels, but they also help men prevent premature ejaculation. But studies show half of people don't do them correctly. Ladies, if you put a finger in your vagina, you should feel a pulling up when you squeeze. Men, your penis will lift up.
Close pushups
  • pushup variation that focuses on triceps, which are the first to give out during a prolonged missionary or similar position. Go for very high reps, 20 t0 50, to work on muscle endurance.
 Three yoga postures to get you in the mood

  • Yoga practices that focus on breathing and stretching can have erotic possibilities, says Kranias. She recommends trying these postures by yourself or with a partner to help increase your libido*:
  • Cat and dog pose
  • Cobra pose
  • fish pose

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