Minggu, 19 April 2015

Best Home Remedies For Hair Dye Allergy

Best Home Remedies For Hair Dye Allergy
Best Home Remedies For Hair Dye Allergy
Some people are sensitive to chemicals used in hair dyes, and can get allergic reactions to lightening agents and hair dyes.
An allergic reaction for some can be mild, while for others it might even turn life threatening. Sometimes, the same product that you’ve been using for months might cause an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions to hair dyes affect up to 5% of the people who use permanent hair dye colors. Areas affected are normally the scalp, neck, ears, face and eyes but in severe cases the allergic reaction will affect the whole body.
Common symptoms are itching, inflammation, soreness, swelling and open sores that will weep. Reactions can range from mild to such severity that the individual will need hospitalization.
Treatments for allergies to hair dye will depend on the severity of the reaction.

If your allergic reaction to hair dye is severe then you will need to seek medical assistance immediately.

For milder cases, Here Best Home Remedies For Hair Dye Allergy :
  • Relieving itching and burning sensation is first to be considered to make the patient comfortable.Wash your hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo to ensure you have removed all residual traces of hair dye that may exacerbate your problem.
  • If chamomile is handy in your home, prepare chamomile tea. Boil chamomile in one water. Let it steep for a while and strain the content. Once it becomes cool, add few cubes of ice to make it cold. Now rinse your hair and scalp with chamomile tea. Repeat it two times in a day till you find relief in itching and until skin inflammation subsides.
  • Add uncooked oatmeal to your bath water. Allow water to cool to lukewarm before soaking yourself for 20 minutes. The oatmeal will relieve some of the irritation and soreness.
  • You can also apply coconut oil or olive oil. Both are soothing to skin. Apply it two to three times in a day.
  • Cortisone cream can be applied directly to the affected area, even the scalp, if the skin is unbroken. It will reduce inflammation and relieve some of the itching you may be experiencing
  • You can also apply aloe vera gel on the skin. Aloe vera has natural soothing qualities.
  • Anti-histamines may help to reduce symptoms caused by allergic reactions and for localized inflammation. These can be obtained as an over the counter medicine from pharmacies.

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