develop strong immune
Children Who Should Be Vaccinated ?
Children who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy should also be immunized against the flu because they are at higher risk for Reye syndrome, a life-threatening disease, if they get the flu
- Children who come in direct contact with a person vulnerable to complications from influenza should also be vaccinated.
- all healthy children between ages 6 months and 18 years old
- In addition, any child over the age of 2 years with a condition that requires regular medical care or who has been hospitalized for a serious illness
- Children over age 5 who have a higher risk for serious illness.
What about Flu Shot For Baby?
We know pregnancy changes a healthy woman's risk of severe flu illness. We had a number of pregnant women die last year of flu.
Pregnancy and flu are a bad combination. Pregnancy increases the risk that a healthy woman who gets the flu will get sick, be hospitalized, or die.
All pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy are recommended to have the seasonal flu jab this winter, which will protect the unborn child and mother for around one year.
The flu vaccine is safe to have at any stage of pregnancy or while breastfeeding
Because the flu shot is only a protein that can't give a person the flu, the benefit of vaccination far outweighs any possible risk from the vaccine itself. That goes for the woman as well as for her developing baby . We have never had the slightest indication -- no indication at all -- that it could somehow be harmful to the developing baby
And is there any benefit for the baby? It is worth saying that in addition to protecting the mother, there is some research that suggests babies born to vaccinated women are less likely to get the flu in their first 6 months of life. And infants who get the flu are at very high risk of severe complications
I got Flu Shots For my Baby And Children last year and the year before. Why do I need another one?
The problem is the flu virus: It changes all the time
Last year's vaccine is not like this year's vaccine. One or more of these components is changed every year because the virus trying to prevent has changed.
Unfortunately, being immune to one of last year's viruses may not protect you against this year's virus. It is a constant job of catch-up. And there probably is some waning of immunity over time, too, particularly with the shots.
Researchers are looking for a way to make a vaccine that is not so sensitive to change in the virus. looking for a one-shot vaccine that will protect for get every five or 10 years. But that vaccine has yet to be invented.
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